E-Books Repository LIST

Sr # E-Books Repository LIST Author ISSBN
1 Integrated Electronics: Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems Jacob Millman, Christos C. Halkias 9780074622452
2 Methods of Mathematical Physics II Michael Stone
3 Classical Electrodynamics John David Jackson 9780471309321
4 Instructor Solutions Manual for Physics David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Kenneth Krane, Paul Stanley
5 Statistical Mechanics Kerson Huang 9781420079029
6 Electronic Principles Albert Paul Malvino 73373885
7 Heat and thermodynamics : an intermediate textbook 9780070728080
8 Elementary Solid State Physics : Principles and Applications Ali Omar 6789IGMA-009998
9 A Revised Electromagnetic Theory with Fundamental Applications Bo Lehnert 9789185917006
11 Quantum Mechanics : Concepts and Applications Nouredine Zettili 978-0-470-02678-6
12 Fundamentals of Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics Bimalendu,N. Roy 9814126977
13 An Introduction to nuclear physics W. N. Cottingham, D. A. Greenwood 9780511040467
14 An Introduction to Political Geography John Rennie Short 9780585452913
15 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 9780123846549
16 Organizational Behavior : Help Students Better Understand Their Behavioral and Interpersonal Skills Stephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge 9781292146300
17 The Pearson Guide to Objective Physics
18 Quantum Physics S. Gasiorowicz 9780471429456
19 Electronics: Principles and Applications Charles A. Schuler 978-0-07-337383-6
20 Schaum's outline of theory and problems of college physics 9780071367493
21 Sears and Zemansky's University Physics with Modern Physics 9780321696861
22 Grob's Basic Electronics Mitchel E. Schult 978-0071221375
23 Electricity and Magnetism 978-1-107-01402-2
24 Conceptual Physics Paul G. Hewitt 978-0-321-90910-7
25 Classical Electromagnetism Jerrold Franklin 9780486813714
26 Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics Frederick Reif 1-57766-612-7, 978-1-57766-612-7
27 Mutalia Pakistan Akram ul Haq Raja.
28 Kuby Immunology Jenni Punt, Sharon Stranford, Patricia Jones, Judith A Owen 1464189781, 978-1464189784
29 Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology Jeffrey C. Pommerville 076376258X, 9780763762582
30 Pharmacology Richard A. Harvey, Michelle A. Clark, Richard Finkel, Jose A. Rey, Karen Whalen 1451113145, 9781451113143
31 World Conference On 21st Century Mathematics 2004 / A.D.R. Choudary 9698864008
33 Discrete mathematics / John A. Dossey . 0321305159 (pbk)
34 Topology / James R. Munkres. 9788178084985 (pbk.)
35 A First Course In Abstract Algebra / 8178089971
36 Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications Lokenath Debnath, Piotr Mikusinski 9780122084386
37 Calculus for business, economics, and the social and life sciences Hoffmann, Laurence D 9780073532387
38 Climate Change in the Media: Reporting Risk and Uncertainty James Painter 1780765886, 9781780765884
39 Sports Journalism: A Multimedia Primer Rob Steen 0415742137, 9780415742139
40 The Interpersonal Communication Book by DeVito 9780133753813, 0133753816, 9780133921441, 0133921441, 9781292100050, 1292100052
41 The Interpersonal Communication Book Joseph A. DeVito
42 Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning Clifford G. Christians; Mark Fackler; Kathy Brittain Richardson; Peggy J. Kreshel; Robert H. Woods J 1138672386, 9781138672383
43 Advertising media planning Baron, Roger B.; Sissors, Jack Zanville 978-0-07-173890-3, 0-07-173890-8, 978-0-07-170312-3, 0-07-170312-8
44 Directing And Producing For Television: A Format Approach Ivan Cury 1138124990, 9781138124998
45 Directing And Producing For Television: A Format Approach Ivan Cury 024081293X, 9780240812939
46 Audio in Media by Stanley R. Alten Stanley R. Alten 113330723X, 9781133307235
47 Audio in Media Stanley R. Alten 049557239X, 9780495572398
48 Critical Theories of Mass Media: Then and Now Paul A. Taylor, Jan Ll Harris 0335218113, 9780335218110
49 Web Journalism 2.0 Sunil Saxena 9780070680838
50 The handbook of communication skills 978-1-138-21912-0, 978-1-138-21913-7, 978-1-315-43613-5, 9781315436111, 1315436116, 1315436132