E-Books Repository LIST

Sr # E-Books Repository LIST Author ISSBN
1 Primary and Elementary Education J. Mohanty 978-817-629372-3
2 Need of Guidance and Counselling Service s in Private Girls' Secondary Schools in IUB
3 ? Patterns of College Writing Laurie G. Kirszner 978-0-312-67684-1
4 College Writing Skills John Langan.
5 Educational Psychology John Santrock 978-007-337878-7
6 Educational Psychology: Developing Learner Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Eric M Anderman 978-013-402243-7
7 The Curriculum: Theory and Practice Professor A Vic Kelly 978-141-293259-2
8 The History of Mathematics John Fauvel; Jeremy Gray 978-033-342790-3
9 Conversation Resource Books for Teachers Rob Nolasco, Lois Arthur 019-437096-8
10 Teaching English as a Second Foreign Language Celce-Murcia Mariam. ?083-841-992-5.
11 Second Language Learning and Language Teaching Vivian Cook 978-034-095876-6
12 Society and technological change Rudi Volti 978-142-922121-4
13 Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers Thomas A. Angelo, K. Patricia Cross 978-155-542500-5
14 Educational testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice Tom Kubiszyn, Gary D. Borich 978-047-114977-4
15 New York: Rout ledge Flamer. Keith Topping 0-203-42167-1
16 Essentials of Educational Measurement. Robert L.Ebel, David A. Frisbie 876-92700
17 Classroom Assessment Techniques Thomas A. Angelo, K. Patricia Cross 978-155-542500-5
18 Undergraduate information literacy: A teaching framework. Australian Academic and Research Libraries Karen Macpherson
19 Information literacy: How do librarians and academics work in partnership to deliver effective learning programs? Australian Academic and Research Libraries Ruth Ivey
20 Instructional Design Patricia L. Smith
21 Art with the brain in mind Eric Jensen 978-0871205148
22 The Art Teacher's Survival Guide for Secondary Schools Helen D. Hume 978-111-844703-1
23 Discovering Computer ?Gary B.(Gary B. Shelly) Shelly, Misty E. Vermaat 978-143-907926-3
24 Introduction to Computers Peter Norton 978-007-297890-2
25 Reading and study skills John Lagan 978-0-07-337164-1
26 Practical English grammar A.J Thomson and A.V Martinent 019-4-3134-41
27 The iterative use of single case research designs to advance the science of EI/ECSE Brian Reichow, Brian A. Boyd, Erin E. Barton, Samuel L. Odom 978-3-319-28492-7
28 Motivating Students Who Don't Care Successful Techniques for Educators Allen N. Mendler 978-1-935249-67-2
29 Understanding and developing science teachers? pedagogical content knowledge J. John Loughran, 978-94-6091-821-6
30 Educational Psychology John W. Santrock 978-1259870347
31 The World of Children Cook, Greg L.; Cook, Joan Littlefield 978-0-205-68592-9
32 Child Development . Laura E. Berk 978-020-54491327-0
33 Introduction to Islam Muhammad Hamidullah
34 US Nuclear Strategy: A Reader? Philip Bobbitt, Lawrence Freedman, Gregory F. Treverton (eds.) P 978-0-333-37445-0, 978-1-349-19791-0
35 On War Clausewitz, Carl von (auth.); Howard, Michael Eliot (transl.); Paret, Peter (transl.)
36 On War Carl von Clausewitz 0691018545, 9780691018546, 9780691056579, 0691056579
37 The Forgotten Dimensions of Strategy Michael Howard
38 The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy Lawrence Freedman 978-0-333-34564-1, 978-1-349-06608-7, 318-320-324-3
39 Strategy in the Contemporary World: John Baylis; James Wirtz 019878273X, 9780198782735
40 Strategy in the Missile Age Bernard Brodie 9780691018522, 0691018529, 0833042246, 9780833042248
41 Business and Conflict in Fragile States: Brian Ganson, Achim Wennmann
42 Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: Nixon Robin 1491978910, 978-1491978917
43 HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites Jon Duckett 1118008189, 9781118008188, 1118871642, 9781118871645
44 Object-oriented software engineering: Ivar Jacobson 9780201544350, 0-201-54435-0
45 C++ How to Program Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel
46 Multimedia Communications erry D. Gibson 9780122821608, 0122821602
47 Fundamentals of Multimedia Ze-Nian Li, Mark S. Drew, Jiangchuan Liu (auth.) 978-3-319-05289-2, 978-3-319-05290-8
48 Multimedia Making It Work Tay Vaughan 0071748466, 9780071748469
49 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications Grady Booch, Robert A. Maksimchuk, Michael W. Engel, Bobbi J. Young, Jim Conallen, Kelli A. Houston 9780201895513 ,0-201-89551-X
50 Systems Analysis and Design Alan Dennis 1118057627, 9781118057629