E-Books Repository LIST

Sr # E-Books Repository LIST Author ISSBN
1 Fundamentals of Financial Management James C. Van Horne 978-0-273-71363-0
2 Fundamental of Human Resource Management David A. DeCenzo 978-0470-16968-1
3 Financial Markets and Institutions Jeff Madura 978-1-133-94788-2
4 Financial Markets and Institutions by Frederic Frederic S. Mishkin 978-0-13-213683-9
5 Financial Markets and Institutions by Anthony Anthony Saunders 978-0-07-786166-7
6 Financial Management Theory and Practice MICHAEL C . EHRHARDT 978-1-4390-7809-9
7 Financial Institutions Management A Risk Management Approach Anthony Saunders 9.78126E+12
8 Financial Accounting Mohammed Hanif 978-93-5316-113-2
9 Exploring Corporate Strategy Text Cases gerry JoHnson KeVan sCHoles riCHarD Whittington 978-0-273-71191-9
10 English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy
11 Consumer Behaviour : A European Perspective Michael Solomon Gary Bamossy S?ren Askegaard Margaret K. Hogg 978-0273-68752-2
12 Business Research Projects A.D. Jankowicz 978-0-412-63650-9
13 Business research methods Alan Bryman Emma Bell 978?0?19?958340?9
14 Advances in Active Portfolio Management : New Developments in Quantitative Investing RICHARD C. GRINOLD RONALD N. KAHN 978-1-26-045372-0
15 21 Days of Effective Communication : Everyday Habits and Exercises to Improve Your Communication Skills and Social Intelligence Ian Tuhovsky
16 Time Series Analysis and Its Applications Time Series Analysis and Its Applications : Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer 978-1441978646, 144197864X
17 Probability, Random Variables, Statistics, and Random Processes : Ali Grami 9781119300816
18 Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams 0324783256, 9780324783254
19 The Methods and Materials of Demography David A. Swanson, Jacob S. Siegel 0126419558, 9780126419559, 9780080473444
20 Demographic Methods Andrew Hinde 0340718927, 9780340718926
21 Applied Regression Analysis Norman R. Draper, Harry Smith 0471170828, 9780471170822
22 Regression Analysis with Applications G. Wetherill 978-0-412-27490-, 978-94-009-4105-2
23 Regression Diagnostics - Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity David A. Belsley, Edwin Kuh, Roy E. Welsch 9780471691174, 0-47-1-69-1-17-8
24 Robust regression and outlier detection Peter J. Rousseeuw, Annick M. Leroy 9780471725374, 9780471852339, 0471852333
25 Elements of Information Theory Thomas M. Cover, Joy A. Thomas 9780471241959, 0471241954
26 Probability: Theory and Examples Rick Durrett 1108473687, 9781108473682
27 A user's guide to measure theoretic probability Ma?theorie; Pollard, David 978-0-521-00289-9, 0-521-00289-3, 978-0-521-80242-0, 0-521-80242-3
28 Probability and Random Processes Geoffrey R. Grimmett, David R. Stirzaker 0198572220, 9780198572220
29 Elements of Large-Sample Theory E.L. Lehmann 0387985956, 9780387985954
30 A course in large sample theory Ferguson, Thomas Shelburne 0-412-04371-8, 9781315136288, 1315136287, 9781351470063, 135147006X
31 Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models Andrew Gelman, Jennifer Hill 0521867061, 9780521867061
32 Planning of Experiments D.R. Cox
33 Statistics for Experimenters: ?George E. P. Box, J. Stuart Hunter, William G. Hunter 9780471718130, 0471718130
34 Statistical Research Methods: Roy Sabo, Edward Boone? ?978-1-4614-8707-4,978-1-4614-8708-1
35 Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce 1491952962, 9781491952962
36 All of Statistics - A Concise Course in Statistical Inference Larry Wasserman
37 Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data Charles Wheelan 0393071952, 9780393071955
38 Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis Elisa T. Lee, John Wenyu Wang 0471369977, 9780471369974
39 Statistics Robert S. Witte, John S. Witte 1119386055, 9781119254515
40 A first course in design and analysis of experiments Oehlert G.W. 0716735105, 9780716735106
41 Experimental Design And Analysis Howard J. Seltman
42 Introduction to survey sampling Dr. Graham Kalton 0803921268, 9780803921269, 9780585212166
43 Survey Sampling Theory and Applications Raghunath Arnab 0128118482, 9780128118481
44 Sampling Statistics Wayne A. Fuller ?0470454601, 9780470454602
45 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis by Wolfgang Karl H?rdle, L?opold Simar Wolfgang Karl H?rdle, L?opold Simar 3030260054, 9783030260057, 9783030260064
46 Spatial Data Analysis: Manfred M. Fischer, Jinfeng Wang 3642217192, 9783642217197
47 An Introduction to R for Spatial Analysis and Mapping Chris Brunsdon, Lex Comber 1446272958, 9781446272954
48 Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice Robert Haining 0521774373, 9780521774376, 0521773199, 9780521773195
49 Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics Douglas Lind, William Marchal, Samuel Wathen 0073401803, 9780073401805
50 Introduction to Applied Bayesian Statistics and Estimation for Social Scientists Scott M. Lynch 038771264X, 9780387712642, 9780387712659