E-Books Repository LIST

Sr # E-Books Repository LIST Author ISSBN
1 Crystallography Schwarzenbach D
2 Inorganic Structural Chemistry M?ller, U
3 Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction Smart L. E., Moore E. A
4 Descriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid State Chemistry Rodgers G E
5 Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry 4 Sharpe, A. G
6 Inorganic Chemistry Huheey, J. E., Keiter, E. A
7 Vogel?sQuantitative Chemical Analysis Mendham J, Denney R. C, Barnes, J. D
8 Calculus and Analytic Geometry E.W. Swokowski
9 Calculus, Schaum?s Outline Series Frank A.Jr, Elliott Mendelson
10 Hughes-Hallett, Gleason, McCallum, et al, Calculus Single and Multivariable
11 Calculus H. Anton, I. Bevens, S. Davis
12 Thomas Calculus
13 Inorganic and Applied Chemistry Hede, P. D, Bier. S.P
14 Applied Chemistry Vermani, O. P.
15 Materials Science and Engineering Callister, W. D. Jr
16 Wastewater Engineering Tchobanoglous, G., Burton F. L.
17 Distillation Operation Kister H
18 Composite Materials Gay, D, Hoa, S. V
19 Composite Materials Deborah, D. L.,
20 Industrial Chemical Process Design Erwin D L
21 Practical Physical Chemistry James A M
22 Chemical Principles Atkins p
23 Atomic Physics Born Max
24 Physical Chemistry Moore. W. J.
25 Physical Chemistry Atkins P, Paula J. D
26 Physical Chemistry Silbey R. J, Alberty
27 Stereochemistry at a Glance Eames J and Peach J M
28 Organic Chemistry Solomons, T. W. G.
29 OrganicChemistry Brown W. H, Fotte, C. S,
30 Good Laboratory Practice Seiler J P
31 Stereochemistry (Tutorial Chemistry Texts) David M
32 Stereochemistry (Basic Concepts in Chemistry). Morris D G
33 Organic Chemistry Joh E M
34 Organic Chemistry Robert T. M, Robert N. B
35 Integrated Approach to Coordination Chemistry.pdf Marusak R. A, Doan K., Cummings S. D.
36 Inorganic Structural Chemistry M?ller, U
37 Vogel?s Textbook of Macro and Semimicro QualitativeInorganic Analysis Svehla, G
38 Inorganic Chemistry.pdf Shriver D, Atkins P
39 Inorganic Chemistry Miessler, G. L, Tarr, D.A
40 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Cotton, F. A, Wilkinson G, Murillo C. A, Bochmann
41 Green chemistry for environmental sustainability Sanjy Kumar Sharma, Ackmez Mudhoo
42 Aqueous microwave assisted chemistry; Synthesis and catalysis Vivek Polshettiwar, R.S. Verma 978-1-84973-038-9
43 Methods and reagents for green chemistry, An introduction Pietro Tundo 978-0-471-75400-8
44 Green Chemistry. An introduction text Mike Lancaster 0-85404-620-8
45 Metals in Medicine Dabrowiak, J. C
46 Introduction to spectroscopy Pavla D. L, Lampman G. M.
47 Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. Ill- Electronic Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules G. Herzberg
48 Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. II, Infrared and Raman Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules G. Herzberg
49 Atomic Absorption, Fluorescence and Flame Emission Spectroscopy Thomspon K.C, Reynold R.J
50 Chromatographic methods. Stock, Rice