1 |
Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett
2 |
Physics for Scientists and Engineers |
R. A. Serway, J. W. Jewett
3 |
Fundamentals of Physics |
D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker
4 |
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry |
Skoog, D. A, West, D. M
5 |
Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry |
Kathleen A. H., James E. H
6 |
Lippincott Biochemistry |
Harvey, R. A., Ferrier
7 |
Harper?s Biochemistry |
Murray, R.M, Harper, H.A
8 |
Biochemistry |
Voet, D, Voet, J.D
9 |
Lehninger?s Principles of Biochemistry |
10 |
Chemical Principles The Quest for Insight |
Atkins, P., Jones, L.
11 |
Chemical Kinetics |
Laidler. K. J
12 |
Introduction to Surface Chemistry and Catalysis |
Somorjai, G. A, Li, Y
13 |
Modern Nuclear Chemistry |
Loveland, W., Morrisey, D. J
14 |
Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry |
Choppin, G., Liljenzin, J-. O
15 |
Handbook of Nuclear Chemistry |
Vertes, A., Nagy, S, Klencsar, Z
16 |
Physical Chemistry by Silbey |
Silbey, R. J., Alberty, R. A
17 |
Medicinal Chemistry |
Thomas, G.
18 |
Pharmaceutical Analysis |
Watson, D. G
19 |
Food Analysis |
Nielsen, S. S
20 |
Strategic Applications of Named Reactions in Organic Synthesis.pdf |
K?rti, L, Czak?. B
21 |
March?s Advanced Organic Chemistry.pdf |
Smith, M. B
22 |
Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses |
Mayo, D. W, Pike, R. M, Forbes, D. C
23 |
A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry |
Sykes, P
24 |
Organic Chemistry |
Robert, T. M, Robert, N. B.
25 |
Vogel?sTextbook of Practical Organic Chemistry |
Furniss, B. S., Hannaford, A. J., Smith, P. W. G., Tatchell, A. R.,
26 |
Reaction Mechanisms of Inorganic and OrganomettalicSystems |
Jordan, R. B.
27 |
Kinetics and Mechanism of Reactions of Transition MetalComplex |
Wilkins, R. G
28 |
Nuclear Physics and Chemistry |
Harvey, B. G
29 |
Nuclearand Radiochemistry |
Friedlander, G., Kennedy, J. W., Macias, E. S.
30 |
Introduction to Thermal Analysis |
Brown, M. E.,
31 |
Principles & Applications of Thermal Analysis |
Gabbot, P.,
32 |
Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy |
Lakowicz, J. R
33 |
Quantitative Chemical Analysis |
Harris, D. C.,
34 |
Practical Capillary Electrophoresis |
Weinberger, R
35 |
Capillary Electrophoresis |
36 |
Atmospheric Pollution |
Elsom, D. M
37 |
Environmental Chemistry |
Wright, J., ,
38 |
Principles of Environmental Chemistry |
Girard, J. E
39 |
Atmospheric Chemistry |
Holloway, A. M, Wayne, R. P
40 |
Green Chemistry for Environmental Remediation |
Singhi, R. and Singh, V
41 |
Chromatography |
Miller, J. M
42 |
Chromatographic Methods |
Braitwaite A, Smith, F. J
43 |
Practical High-Performance Liquid Chromatography |
Meyer, V. R
44 |
Modern Practice of Gas Chromatography |
Grob, R. L., Eugene, F. Barry
45 |
BIOS Instant Notes in Analytical Chemistry |
Kealey, D, Haines, P. J
46 |
Analytical Chemistry.pdf |
Christian, G. D
47 |
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry |
Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch
48 |
Crystallography |
Schwarzenbach D
49 |
Inorganic Structural Chemistry |
M?ller, U
50 |
Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction |
Smart L. E., Moore E. A