E-Books Repository LIST

Sr # E-Books Repository LIST Author ISSBN
1 Linguistic Meaning Allan, K 9.78042E+12
2 The Study of Language Yule, George 9.78052E+12
3 The Handbook of Linguistics M. Aronoff, J. Rees-Miller 9.78141E+12
4 From Whitney to Chomsky Joseph, J 9.78903E+12
5 A History of English Language Bough, A.C, Cable, T. 9.78042E+12
6 Educational Technology R. P. Pathak, Jagadeesh Chaudhary 978-933-250107-2
7 Elearning: The Key Concepts Robin Mason, Frank Rennie 978-020-309948-3
8 Evaluation: A Systematic Approach Peter H. Rossi; Mark W. Lipsey; Howard E. Freeman 978-076-190894-4
9 The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln 978-076-192757-0
10 Qualitative research for education? Bogdan, Robert; Biklen, Sari Knopp 978-020-551225-6
11 Intelligent Leadership John M. Burger?&?Charles F. Webber? 978-1-4020-6022-9
12 Curriculum : foundations, principles, and issues Francis P. Hunkins Allan C. Ornstein 978-129-216208-9
13 Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education Joan Poliner Shapiro; Jacqueline A 978-141-061353-0
14 Better_Policy-Making Helen Bullock Juliet Mountford
15 Study to Teach: A Guide to Studying in Teacher Education Steve Herne 978-020-315923-1
16 International Handbook on the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers Christopher Day, Judyth Sachs 978-033-522025-0
17 Innovations in Teacher Education Clive Beck, Clare Kosnik 978-142-377292-7
18 A guide to teaching practice Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion 978-041-530675-1
19 The Teaching Profession R. G. Kane and Professor M. Mallon
20 Newly Qualified Teachers University of Birmingham
21 Inside Science Education Reform J. Myron Atkin, Paul Black 978-0807743188
22 Philosophical inquiry in instructional technology: David L. Solomon
23 Designing and Instructional Design". Educational technology research and development Gordon Rowland
24 Toward a philosophy of instructional technology: Donald Ely
25 The iterative use of single case research designs to advance the science of EI/ECSE Brian Reichow, Brian A. Boyd, Erin E. Barton, Samuel L. Odom 978-3-319-28492-7
26 Modern Philosophies of Education, NELSON B. HENRY
27 Educational Psychology John Santrock 978-007-337878-7
28 Educational Psychology: Developing Learners Eric M Anderman, Lynley H Anderman 978-0134-02243-7
29 The Curriculum: Theory and Practice Professor A Vic Kelly 978-141-293259-2
30 ?Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice Tom Kubiszyn, Gary D. Borich 978-047-114977-4
31 Educational assessment of students Anthony J. Nitko, Susan Brookhar 978-129-204102-5
32 Educational administration Concepts and practices Fred C. Lunenburg, Allan C. Ornstein 978-111-130124-8
33 Educational Administration: Theory Research and practice Hoy, W.K & Miskel 978-946-20952-1
34 Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers Thomas A. Angelo, K. Patricia Cross 978-155-542500-5
35 How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education Jack Fraenkel, Norman Wallen, Helen Hyun 978-007-809785-0
36 Teachers, Schools, and Society: A Brief Introduction to Education David M. Sadker, Karen Zittleman 978-007-728753-5
37 Society and Technological Change Rudi Volti 978-142-922121-4
38 A Natural History of Place in Education David Hutchison, David W. Orr 978-0807744697
39 Entertainment-Education and Social Change Arvind Singhal, Michael J. Cod 978-0805845525
40 The History of education John Fauvel; Jeremy Gray 978-033-342790-3
41 Classroom Assessment Techniques Thomas A. Angelo, K. Patricia Cross 978-155-542500-5
42 Inside Science Education Reform J. Myron Atkin, Paul Black 978-0807743188
43 Philosophical inquiry in instructional technology: David L. Solomon
44 Educational assessment of students Anthony J. Nitko, Susan Brookhar 978-129-204102-5
45 Educational Administration: Theory Research and practice Hoy, W.K & Miskel 978-946-20952-1
46 Classroom Management and Discipline Perrson Burden 978-034-055876-6
47 Educational Research John W. Creswell 978-013-136739-5
48 Research Design How to design and Evaluation Jack Fraenkel, Norman Wallen, Helen Hyun 978-007-809785-0
49 Research in Education John W. Best, James V. Kahn 978-020-545840-0
50 Feminist Theory and International Relation Christine Sylvester 978-051-101935-7